This week's theme, if there even needs to be one for TSFAB, is political correctness. Whether it is Ozzie Guillen and his comments on Cuba, or promising things that cannot be delivered. To wrap it all up, I will give my suggestions on #withaGoProIwould. Check it all out after the jump.
Ozzie Guillen
The oft-outspoken and brash new manager of the Miami Marlins is at it again. After managing the Chicago White Sox for many years and winning a World Series there, he "took his talents to South Beach" and is still talking out his ass. His most recent comments centered around Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Guillen could have grown his fan base in Little Havana by deploring what Castro did to the people of Cuba. So naturally, Ozzie stuck his preverbal foot in his preverbal mouth by saying that he "respects Castro". Why does he love him so much? Well because, "[a] lot of people ave wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that son of a [expletive] is still there." That was not the best first impression to make in a city that has the strongest Cuban presence off the island itself. The Marlins suspended the manager for five games and Guillen hosted a press conference in which he was very apologetic. While what he said was wrong and crossed the line that divides politics and his position with the team, he does not deserve to be suspended. What he said has nothing to do with his job as manager, and does not directly affect what happens on the field.
Promises Lost in Translation
One of the biggest things in running for office, at any level, is being able to promise the people something to look forward to. With the presidential race heating up as we near November, the promises are flying. Most commonly, we are bombarded with promises of lower taxes, a balanced national budget and lower gas prices. Here is the punchline: the President can't do these things. While Romney or Obama is up on stage and is promising to balance the budget while lowering taxes, know that these are the jobs of Congress. The President can't even go sit in on Congress unless invited. Gas prices are mainly speculatory and are based on a global market. What the President can do is ask Congress to pass a bill that would lower the taxes on gas stations, refineries and tariffs to lower the price of gas. The President can tell Congress that their first priority needs to be to balance the budget, but Congress has the freedom to tell him that they are more worried about Nancy Pelosi's thrilling game of Words with Friends and they just have to figure out how to use that "Z"! Don't vote for President based on promises that they can't control, it makes you look easier to fool than those who voted for Gingrich.
I have seen some great hashtag's in the time that I have been on Twitter, but now I thought of one. If anyone reading this has a Twitter account, throw up the tag #withaGoProIwould. Here are some of the things I would do with a Go Pro camera.
-run straight through a tornado
-fly a Navy jet through Virginia
-salmon fish in Alaska during spawning season
-Gymkhana through the infield at Daytona
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