
11 April 2012

We'll Miss You!

It is time to say goodbye to another contestant. Rick Santorum... you are the weakest link! Now that Santorum has exited the race and all but handed the nomination to Romney, it is time to look back over his finest moments. The very first all-Santorum blog after the jump.

This blog will consist of snippets of Santorum's reign as King JackAss of "Merely Observations".

"At this point, the elections are turning into a bad sitcom where there are those guys that no one really likes, but no one wants to tell them to leave, so you keep giving them hints that they need to get out, but they don't really get it and just stick around annoying people." (Too Short for A Blog IV)
Yup. This guy.
"Rick Santorum has made a run through the South. He has won primaries throughout Kansas and the other Sweater-Vest States. Does this make him a viable candidate for President? Quick answer: No. Longer answer: Hell No." (Too Short For a Blog III)
"I wake up every morning/ I wake up every evening
With a sweater vest on my chest/ With a big smile on my face
And it never seems out of place/ And it never seems out of place
I go to turn on Fox News/ And you're probably still working 
And what do I see?/ At a nine to five pace
Gay marriage is legal/ I wonder how bad that tastes" (A Trilogy of Sorts)

"Blitzer/King/Baier: Congressman Santorum, you can't hide in your sweater vest. Please climb out from under your podium." (Constitution? When It's Convenient...)

"From Rick Santorum to San Francisco, how gay friendly are you?" (Pop Culture Scales)

I'm not Rick Santorum, and he wouldn't approve this message

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