
26 October 2011

Hey look! I have a blog!

After a long inner monolog between me, myself and I, I came to a conclusion. "People should be able to see inside my head sometimes!" I guess now we can see if other people feel the same way. Now, instead of people being forced to listen to me, I just figured I would make a blog. At first I told people (and by people I mean my mommy) that I would be thrilled to get 6 regular readers. Then I realized I needed to slow my roll and not get too ambitious, so 3 is more reasonable. So now that I have nothing more to say and no way to wrap this up in a clever or intelligent way.... Enjoy!

READER DISCRETION ADVISED: This blog is unedited and is not looking to avoid hurting feelings. I call em like I see em; if you get offended easily I would not advise reading this regularly. Sorry in advance if that includes you.

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