First of all a very happy Veterans Day to everyone. Thank you to all Veterans or active duty servicemen out there for your service. You are the reason that we live free in the greatest country in the world.
Anyways... to my next topic/rant. The whole aspect of feminism and the women's suffrage movement always fascinated me, and the recent sharp right turn that it has made in the last twenty or so years is baffling to me. It started out with wanting equality and for suffrage rights. It mostly worked and now we have women who are governors and CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. That only represents the .01% and the vast majority have taken the concept of feminism and twisted it way beyond where it should be.
It seems that the ideals of feminism transformed from "We are the head of the family. And the country is a family. We deserve the same amount of rights as the breadwinners." This was a great slogan and it worked. The problem is, this slogan transformed itself to "Well now we are equals, so we are going to do whatever we want. Because that is what feminism means." This has led to huge contradictions that have only set women, especially of my generation, back in time to when men were the clear superiors.
Under the contemporary banner of feminism, the latest generation of "feminists" have made a big deal of women who are in the pornography business or those who allow men to objectify them. The problem is that, the way that teenage and young adult women dress themselves turns them into objects while taking out the middle man. They think that, by dressing themselves, they are being independent and a feminist, but the irony is that they are doing exactly the opposite.
I wonder if young women will ever realize that by dressing like a skeeze, they are crippling themselves as a woman. Women who dress like that are just asking to be taken advantage of and seen as a lesser member of society. Until women realize that they are hindering their ability to become just as influential in society as men, nothing is going to change.
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