
18 January 2012

Some Presidential Poetry

If you've ever read my blog before or know me personally, you know I am a pretty poetic guy. So instead of writing a novel that summarizes each of the Republican candidates in 2012, I had the inspiration to write a little poem about each. Not some big long ballad, but a Haiku. Just a quick three line poem that is easy to write and easier to read. Includes all candidates from the very beginning to those that have stuck it out to the end.

Rick Perry
You rarely make sense
And you can't count up to three
Ron Paul
One more dumb Texan
Let your son debate instead
Is it nap time yet?
Rick Santorum
The swag of your vests
Now if only your policies
Were as popular
Sarah Palin
I miss your silly bus
Back to Alaska you go
To drink and shoot stuff
Donald Trump
You pompous asshole
You ran for publicity
Glad it backfired
Herman Cain
The good 'ol Cain Train
So sad we had to get off
But you got off too
Michele Bachman
Your eyes entranced us
Then you opened your big mouth
Thank God you dropped. BLINK!
Jon Hunstman
The only smart one
Too bad your a moderate
I wish you had won
Newt Gingrich
All that you have said
Makes you look like a dick
Teleprompter, please
Mitt Romney
Stop all this drivel
Save the trouble and quit
The winner is Mitt

Barack Obama
Why go through all this?
To see the GOP lose?
Another term, Pres.

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