
21 March 2012

Believe: Part Three (Trade Policy)

Now that I am on Spring Break and can take a little break, it is time to finish up Believe. After a dominant win in Illinois, it is becoming clearer and clearer it will be a Romney and Obama election. What about this newcomer Kony? Well the whole Kony 2012 movement could work out well for him. He has a great poster and logo, but I just don't think he can pull it off this late in the election season. Maybe Kony 2011 would have worked out better for him. Anyways, here is the Trade Policy chapter of Part Three and a Mitt Romney music video.

As with every other segment of Believe, Romney begins with the Obama Approach...
The main theme of this segment is always that Obama is horribly ineffective. As was just pointed out by my good friend Willard, Obama has failed to negotiate any trade negotiations or agreements in his time in office. I don't understand trade policy very well, but I am going to venture out and say that this is a bad thing. It must be, because he spent four pages describing all of the missed opportunities by the President over the last few years. One bright spot though, Obama was able to trade a half a bag of chips and partially eaten granola bar to Joe Biden for a day old slice of pizza. Looks like he has still got some negotiating skills.
Now, onto the Mitt Romney Plan!
The Romney Plan starts with "Mitt Romney will have none of this": it's about to hit the fan. I'm guessing that he got so angry that he took off his diamond studded cuff links to type that. The main idea of Romney's Plan is that we need to complete pending trade agreements with Columbia, Panama and South Korea. Apparently this will help our job market and increase our GDP considerably. I don't see how countries known for cocaine, a large canal (that we built), and "is that the communist one?" can be so beneficial to us. When you are nitpicking, or Mittpicking if you will, I guess that the size of the failure is irrelevant.
The second half of this chapter focuses on the highly one sided relationship between the US and China. It is clear that we need to make this a more even trade relationship. The amount of goods from China that America buys is substantial. However, China does not reciprocate this relationship and only buys a minimal amount of American-made goods. True to form, Romney does not specify how he would make this a more even trade relationship. I suppose we will be left guessing.

That does it for Trade Policy. Next up is Energy. There should be some shockers in that one but I coal-d be wrong. I am just electric today! I'll spare you the rest of my awful energy puns and save them all for the next post.
In other political news: Newt Gingrich clearly doesn't like Italians.
As promised, here is a Mitt Romney music video that is a parody of the famous Eminem song, The Real Slim Shady. So who really is The Real Mitt Romney?

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