
03 February 2012

Constitution? When It's Convenient....

So in America, we have this thing called a Constitution. It was written a long time ago, and now we have these 9 old folks whose sole job is to defend it. These 9 judges, the "Supreme's" if you will, know it pretty well but rarely talk about it. Then on the other hand, we have the American public. As a whole, they don't know much about this document, but most profess that our country must follow these guidelines set forth hundreds of years ago. Ah, but politicians. These are the combination of the two. Politicians know a lot about the Constitution and preach it to others. But do they mean it?
So in this aforementioned Constitution, there is a clause that says that a country must have a separation of church and state. What a great idea! So what would that look like in government? For example, let's pose a question to each GOP candidate at the next debate....

Wolf Blitzer/John King/ Brett Baier etc.: Now gentlemen, it is common knowledge that each of you are staunchly pro-life. In one sentence, where is your support of a pro-life agenda rooted? Governor Romney we'll start with you.
Romney: As I grew up, I was shown both sides of the pro-life and pro-choice argument. Through my faith in God and-
Blitzer/King/Baier: And that was two sentences. Well done Mr. Frontrunner. Newt Gingrich, same question to you.
Gingrich: I don't really think that this question is worthy of my answering, but I will, no I will. My opinion on it is rooted in my belief in God.
Blitzer/King/Baier: Of course it was Speaker. Tell you what, next debate you make the questions. Okay, Putin? Congressman Paul.
Paul: As a practicing medical doctor, I have seen the emotional anguish that these women have had to go through after having an abortion and I don't want to see anyone go through that. Also, I think that it provides a safety net for these women to fall back on if they do get pregnant.
Blitzer/King/Baier: Thank you for that sensible answer. Alright, it's two sentences now. I didn't really mean it when I said one anyways. Rick Santorum, to you.
Santorum: I think that a world without abortion would increase responsibility amongst the inner-city population because they would not be able to get rid of the high responsibility that a child brings. In the Bible, it says that life begins a-
Blitzer/King/Baier:  Alright gentlemen, three of you mentioned religion as a root of your pro-life opinion. How would you defend a bill that would outlaw abortion and was based on your personal religion against those who would quote the "separation of church and state" clause in the Constitution?
Romney: Well, if life begins at conception then it would be considered murder. So abortion has a direct correlation to murder. 
Blitzer/King/Baier: So if life begins at conception, then shouldn't you be considered 9 months old when you are born? Wouldn't that make more sense?
Gingrich: If I am elected, which I will be, on my moon colony, that is how it will be. 
Blitzer/King/Baier: Congressman Santorum, you can't hide in your sweater vest. Please climb out from under your podium. Alright, screw it. Just base it on God. Snag the evangelical vote. Thanks for watching. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work...
Signed Anon Mom