
29 February 2012

Cyanide and Happiness of The Week (And Bonus!)

Your Cyanide and Happiness of the week is after the jump along with some observations on the tragic Ohio school shooting.

Before we get to the comic, we need to put something in perspective. What happened in Ohio recently is a tragic situation that was brought on by a misguided youth who thought that violence was the only solution to his problem. What this did was put the issue of gun control on the table again. Some have even brought up gun extinction. That is utterly ridiculous on a few different levels. One is that the kid could have struck out in other ways that include an incendiary device or blades that could have potentially injured more than 5 individuals. The number of school shootings is a misguided perception that the media encourages. Less than .00001% of students yearly are seriously injured by another student at school, so your kids are perfectly safe (unless they go to Miramonte Elementary). This is an isolated incident that, while should not be overlooked, but should be acknowledged as random and an anomaly.
Now to the funny stuff! This weeks comic is #2720 which was just released today! So exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just great! So funny!