
26 February 2012

Too Short For A Blog

I have so many random thoughts that -- SQUIRREL! -- it is hard for me to sit down and write a full-length blog often. Thats why you only get one blog every few days. However, there are a lot of things that I could write a paragraph on. So I thought I would just start writing about a paragraph at a time, and when I have two or three, post them as a compilation. So this is the trial edition. Enjoy.

Danica Patrick
She recently won the pole at Daytona for the Nationwide race. That is an honor that only one racer enjoys per year, yet it does not validate her as a top level Nationwide racer. Daytona is a restrictor-plate race, meaning all engines are virtually the same and there is not as much skill involved. She does not deserve the amount of hype that she is being awarded after her fickle career in the Nationwide series. She has only 3 Top 10's (4th, 10th, 10th), and this single pole. If she was truly treated like "one of the guy's", she would not be receiving the hype and publicity she is getting because of her record. Everyone who is going crazy over Danica Patrick for any reason other than her work needs to calm down.
I won the pole and all I got was this tacky towel!
With gas prices through the roof, Iran is acting childish. You know that one kid at the park who, when he was chosen last, would say "I'm taking my ball and going home then!". Ahmadinejad is acting like that kid. How much do you truly need a nuclear weapon? I know that China, Russia and North Korea have some, but that doesn't mean you have to as well. After screwing with the Strait of Hormuz, which 1/5 of the world's oil goes through, the price of oil has skyrocketed. Gas went up 7 cents last night to hit 4.17$ at the local Safeway. Yeah. Thanks Iran. Watch out or soon you will be Ahme-dead-ijad. 
"Nice pun, but you can do better."
Quote of the Week
The honor of the inaugural "Quote of the Week" goes to Mitt Romney. When making a speech on the American auto-industry, he once again connected with the middle class in a way that only Willard Mitt Romney can. To reinforce that he likes American cars, he said that he drives a Mustang and Ford truck and...
"Ann drives a few Cadillac's"
Well when you put it that way, I can totally relate. Thanks Mitt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing how our minds don't like to focus on one thing for too long, this is an excellent idea!