
05 April 2012

Cyanide and Happiness of the Week

Here is your Cyanide and Happiness of the Week after the jump. Things to look forward to later in the week: I will wrap up Believe along with a Too Short For a Blog and possibly the first ever Yankees Weekly Wrap-up, but with Easter and skiing Saturday, I may not have time. We'll see.

Now ready for some amputee jokes?

What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the ocean?
What do you call a man with no arms or legs on your doorstep?
What do you call a woman with one leg?
Where can she get a job?
How much does she make?
-A lot. She is really easy to tip.
Did you hear about the guy who lost control of the left half of his body?
-Yeah, I heard he's all right now.

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